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1856 – The origins Founded in 1856 by Giuseppe Allemano, the factory originally operates in the field of heavy carpentry, manufacturing steam-powered road rollers used in the construction of roads. The factory lately acquires notoriety around the end of the 19th century by winning the European competition of steam engines that, starting from the centre of Turin, took place uphill to the Basilica of Superga. In that edition the Allemano machine was the only one to reach the top of the hill, while it is said that the others ended up in the river Po.

2020 - Allemano with Exclusive Brands Torino Allemano joins the Exclusive Brands Torino (EBT), the first Italian multi-sector business network that brings together high-end companies promoted by the Industrial Union of Turin. Fundamental values such as quality, product excellence and Made in Italy are promoted on a daily basis through the intersection of ideas and ideals, projected towards a tomorrow.

2021 – Allemano and the new Boutique della Misura On the wave of the success of its new projects, in September 2021 Allemano strengthens its brand awareness by opening the new Boutique della Misura (The Boutique of Measure) in the elegant setting of Piazza Bodoni 1/F in the center of Turin, realizing the desire to return to the public, to create a direct relationship with it – as it once was in the historic Galleria Subalpina – and to show the new face of a historic brand, but with a different cut. Inside, the Boutique displays the instruments strictly connected to the eclectic identity of the company and to the history of Allemano. Not just a watchmaking then, but a place that encompasses the world of temperature, force, pressure and newborn time measurement.

2022 – The new 1973 Collection Continuing to show resilience in high-precision measurement, Allemano tells another piece of its history through a new Misuratore del Tempo, moving from racing cars to the wonder of the deep sea. For the return to the scene, in fact, a line consisting of a new model of the historic Allemano “Crab” depth gauge and the “Shark” diver watches with a iconic vintage design pays homage to the technical innovation that made up our depth gauges in the 1970s and 80s, a must that would have dictated the law in the underwater mechanics for 20 years.


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